Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Christmas used to be a very nice holiday or at least I thought it was when I was a child.  It was a lot of fun getting toys from everyone.  As I got older, I started to enjoy how nice everything looked during Christmas.  Everything had lights and streamers on them.  People were more polite and when the snow covered everything, it was a great time to be outdoors.

Recently, it seems that everyone is all twisted up on the word"Christmas".  All of a sudden, no one is allowed to say the word.  It's been replaced by the world "holiday".  And it's because everyone is a afraid that if the "word" is uttered, wars will start, people will start crying and the world will end.

What happened?  No one is forced to celebrate or observe Christmas, but everyone wants a day off from work, get gifts, eat a lot of food and sleep late.  Most holidays should not be observed with sloth and debauchery, rather they should be spent remembering the signficance of the day. 

It is true that the 25th day of December is not the actual birthday of Jesus Christ and that the basis of this winter holiday was based on some pagan ritual where naked druids danced around a tree.  Many elements of the modern observance of Christmas are not related in the Biblical account of the birth of the Christ, such as a Christmas tree, a big jolly man in a fur trimmed red suit, reindeer, crafty elves, nor the exchange of gifts.  Does it make it any less Christmas?

I think this whole "war on Christmas" is just payback by the heathen, pagans and aetheists to take Christmas away from the Christians.  After all, it was the Christians who had absconded their winter solistice observance.  And now, everyone is so uptight about who owns the observance.  For those who celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas.  For those who do not, well, Merry Christmas to you also.  Kindness is kindness, just accept it.  If you get a stack of money in an envelope as a present, but it's all wrapped up in "Christmas" decorations, are you going to go and burn it?  So, don't be so uptight.

For those that do celebrate Christmas, remember it is a time to be nice to everyone.  Be sensitive that not everyone wants to see your ugly sweater and if someone says 'Happy Holidays', do not reprimand them or accuse them for waging a war on Christmas.  They are also trying to be nice. 

Let's just all try to get along.

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